Respectful Care
- Patients have the right to be treated with dignity and respect regardless of age, gender, religion or culture.
- Patients have the right to receive health care services and treatment with appropriate attention, competence & without unnecessary delay.
- Patients have the right to receive essential physical, moral & behavioral support from health practitioners and caregivers.
Respectful Care
- Patients have the right to receive treatment in licensed facilities and from practitioners who are licensed to practice in the State of Qatar.
- Patients have the right to expect a safe and high-quality care.
- Patients have the right to receive care in a healthy, safe & secure environment that maintains essential hygiene, mandatory equipment, safe sterilization & a smoke free environment as per Qatari Laws.
- Patients have the right to receive care that is free from unethical behavior, abuse or negligence.
- Patients have the right to be referred and/ or transferred to another facility when medically required or upon patient’s request when medically permissible.
- Patients have the right, upon request, to be given the name of his attending physician, the names of all other physicians directly participating in his care, and the names and functions of other health care persons having direct contact with the patient.
- Patients have the right to concise complete and easily understood information about their diagnosis and treatment options (except when it is medically inadvisable to do so, in which case the information should be given to the patient’s guardian or representative).
- Patients have the right to be informed about the health facilities’ charges for the services available and available payment methods & to be informed about the immediate and long-term financial implications of the treatment choices.
- Patients have the right to request a copy of their medical records & medical reports (except when it is medically inadvisable to do so, in which case the information should be given to the patient’s guardian or representative).
- Patients have the right to participate in decisions about their care and treatment, including the right to refuse treatment (to the extent permitted by regulations). The patient’s consent or refusal must be documented in the patient’s medical record.
- Patients have the right to request a second opinion.
- Patients have the right to decide whether they want to take part in clinical training and medical research, or not.
Privacy & Confidentiality
- Patients have the right to have their personal information kept private and confidential (subject to disclosures necessary for medical care and administration) & be viewed only by the direct caregiver or authorized persons.
- Patients have the right to request a family member or nominate a support person to be present during examination and discussion of their case.
- Patients have the right to privacy & respect during physical examination & treatment.
- Patients have the right to make a complaint if not satisfied about the care they received, to the healthcare facility management, if not resolved, patients have the right to make a complaint to Fitness to Practice Department/ Qatar Council for Healthcare Practitioners.
- Patients have the right to expect that any complaint made to the service provider will be thoroughly and appropriately investigated in a timely manner and be informed of the outcomes.